Our PennWest campus-based faculty also lead our Global Online courses—75% of the faculty that teach online are tenured, full-time faculty.

How You'll Learn
What to expect
Your access to PennWest’s expert faculty, success coaches, and campus resources will work to your advantage.
Success Coach
To help you schedule and plan, success coaches familiar with your unique program and needs will be available to you when you enroll at PennWest. The additional support of your success coach will ensure that you get academic advising tailored to your goals while maintaining all the flexibility and convenience of online learning.
You will participate in a week-long orientation that will give you a test run of operating in a virtual classroom. Orientation leaders will be able to answer all your questions.
Time Commitment
It is important to understand that courses have the same time and work requirements as in-person, campus-based courses. Generally, courses are taught asynchronously but have weekly deadlines. Although there is flexibility and your success coach can help you plan your schedule, taking a full course load while working full-time is not advised.
Students use D2L Brightspace as a platform but will also learn from a variety of mediums, including videos, discussions with colleagues, assessment models, and outside resources. With tools to mimic the campus-based classroom experience, E-glass readers that allow professors to teach and write on the screen like they would on any classroom whiteboard, a robust discussion board system that is less assignment-like and more like texting and interacting in an actual discussion combine to bring the Global Online experience to life.
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