Exercise Science Certification: An 
Important Job Advantage

The 100% online exercise science and health promotion master's degree programs at PennWest Global Online (formerly California University of Pennsylvania) offers you many important benefits and strong reasons for study in this dynamic field.

In our fully online graduate program you’ll study the latest research and trends at PennWest Global Online, plus have the option to choose from ten very specialized concentrations. If you don’t have a bachelor’s degree yet, then our fully online BS in Exercise Science may be the program for you.

You can take advantage of a flexible, affordable pathway online to earn a respected graduate degree in exercise science at PennWest Global Online while working full time. And you’ll be ready to take advantage of many exciting career opportunities.

You’ll prepare to earn accredited certifications to gain important job advantages. Most degree concentrations embed course content to prepare you for nationally recognized certifications, including:

  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT).
  • NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES). 
  • NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES).
  • NASE Certified Specialist in Speed and Explosion.
  • WellCoaches Certified Wellcoach.

PennWest Global Online works closely with top expert organizations to provide students with access to top certifications:

  • National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). The National Academy of Sports Medicine selected PennWest Global Online (formerly California University or Cal U) as its first partner school in 2003. NASM is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), the gold standard for accreditation of fitness and wellness certification programs. NASM offers CPT, PES and CES certifications through PennWest Global Online’s master’s degrees in exercise science.
  • Technogym, a global leader in fitness equipment and training, has selected PennWest University as it’s sole academic degree provider for their Golf Performance Program. Technogym is the Official Supplier for the last eight Olympic games as well as the PGA of America Tour.
  • National Association of Speed and Explosion (NASE). NASE is the world’s leading authority on speed improvement, focusing entirely on the improvement of speed in short sprints to enhance performance in baseball, basketball, field hockey, football, lacrosse, rugby, soccer, softball, tennis, and track.

Certification Advantages

Overall, certifications demonstrate your professional commitment to learn the latest skills and proven techniques that not only benefit your clients but also ensure their health and well-being.

In addition, certification may be required by leading employers who seek top-qualified professionals. Certification also can help boost your earnings throughout your career and make you more marketable in the job marketplace.

Certified Personal Trainer. If you’re interested in working as a personal trainer, PennWest Global Online will help you prepare to take the exam to become a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), which is a long-time partner of PennWest Global Online (formerly California University or Cal U). The NASM Certified Personal Trainer Certification uses the Optimum Performance Training (OPT™) model, one of the industry's first comprehensive training system based on scientific, evidence-based research. The OPT model was developed to concurrently improve all functional abilities, including flexibility, core stabilization, balance, strength, power, and cardiorespiratory endurance. OPT is focused on helping trainers produce consistent and strong results for clients.

Corrective Exercise Specialization. You can take your skills to the next level by learning to prevent injuries caused by muscular imbalances and faulty movements, as well as those with poor posture or recovering from orthopedic surgery. With this specialization as part of your online master’s degree program in exercise science at PennWest Global Online, you’ll find out how to assist your clients to eliminate pain, improve posture and flexibility, and fix imbalances. According to NASM, personal trainers who are certified as Corrective Exercise Specialists earn 48% more on average than other personal trainers without certification.

Performance Enhancement Specialist: PES certification ensures that you’re ready to help your clients excel by improving their flexibility, speed, agility and performance. Cutting-edge, evidence-based sports performance exercise techniques equip you with the skills to build tougher, faster and stronger professional athletes and weekend warriors. Personal trainers who are PES-certified earn 40% more on average than personal trainers without certification.

At PennWest Global Online, your online master’s degree courses in exercise science focus on the latest research and issues in exercise science, fitness, wellness, and health to prepare you for the NASM exam for PES certification.

Certified Wellcoach. PennWest Global Online’s master’s degree in exercise science students will get you ready for health and wellness coach certification, endorsed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). You will study current topics in wellness coaching, review research and develop the competencies to foster well-being and prevent or treat diseases. PennWest California's specialized wellness coaching program was developed in partnership with Wellcoaches®, a recognized international provider of wellness coaching education.

Certified Specialist in Speed and Explosion. NASE Certification for Specialists in Speed and Explosion helps to advance the coaching and training of athletes and teams in the techniques of speed improvement for their sports.

Don’t delay! You can earn your online master’s in exercise science and health promotion at PennWest Global Online. Most graduate degree concentrations include the course content you’ll need to prepare for certification and gain a vital advantage for a strong future.

Contact us today to get started on your path to earn your online master’s in exercise science online. Apply now!

We’re ready to help you take your next step to earn your bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate exercise science degree fully online. Apply now!